Am inceput acest blog,, separat de cel pe care il tineam aici pentru ca de la o vreme, desi si acolo aveam info despre catei, am simtit nevoia de a nu mai amesteca aceste doua subiecte pentru a nu incurca pe cei care vor doar sa ajute animalutele.
Comunitatea Romani pentru Animale

Fii norocul lor! :) [out of love of animals]

Eveniment caritabil intr-o atmosfera placuta si o seara plina de surprize :)
Intrare event: tarif maxim 6 lei :P dam cu zarul, cat iese, iese ;)
If you like our activity please share and support our work, I am targeting mostly these cases

a whole lot of thanks!!! to:
DAOS club 
Tango Timisoara 
Salsa With Attitude Dance School with Georgeta Ranga (thank you dear :) )
Bogdan Racz (Sonatic) by the intervention of Miruna Mdx ( ♥ you are the best Miruna!) :)
--- All the photos that will be on the walls fall under copyright of me, Claudia BejanCapriccio Photography WITH the special featuring of the work of my dear dear dear friend - regarding love and compassion of a little girl towards strays, copyright of that particular poster belongs to fellow artist Michel Schamp [ ♡ I totally love and miss you, my darling :) ]
About the jewellery exposed to be sold for raising funds for the strays in our care, all items are thanks to Shop & Save project - Heart Timisoara and to all who donated them, thank you all so much!!!
Thank YOU all involved, invited, participating, etc. Thank you for loving and caring about animals ♥
-- Thank you Grayscale Rainbow for printing my posters. Hugs :* ---
Thank you to my lovely model from this old photo of 2011